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Consolidated statement of income

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€ in millions   Note  2022 2021
Revenue 4 40,840 37,520
Costs of revenue -30,115 -27,209
Gross profit 10,725 10,311
Selling expenses  -1,220 -1,059
General and administrative expenses  8 -5,524 -4,394
Other operating income 9 666 381
Other operating expenses  9 -459 -276
Research and development expenses 7 -867 -805
Operating income (EBITEBIT (Earnings before Interest and Taxes)EBIT ​does ​include ​depreciation ​and ​write-ups ​on ​property, ​plant ​and ​equipment. ​EBIT ​is ​calculated ​by ​subtracting ​costs ​of ​revenue, ​selling, ​general ​and ​administrative ​expenses, ​and ​research ​and ​development ​expenses ​from ​revenue. 3,321 4,158
Interest income 10 187 124
Interest expenses  10 -694 -630
Income before income taxes  2,814 3,652
Income taxes  11 -697 -833
Net income 2,117 2,819
Noncontrolling interests 12 745 1,001
Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA  1,372 1,818
Earnings per share in €  14 2.44 3.26
Fully diluted earnings per share in €  14 2.44 3.26
The following notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.