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GRI 201-2

For the fiscal year 2021, we are reporting the EU Taxonomy-eligibility of our economic activities for the environmental objectives of climate change mitigation and adaptation for the first time. This is conducted in accordance with the mandatory disclosures required by Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of 18 June 2020 on establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (EU Taxonomy Regulation). The application and results of the other conformity criteria and environmental objectives will be reported in future.

As a global health care group with products and services for dialysisDialysisForm of renal replacement therapy where a semipermeable membrane – in peritoneal dialysis the peritoneum of the patient, in hemo­ dialysis the membrane of the dialyzer – is used to clean a patient’s blood., hospital and outpatient care, our core business activities are not covered by the Delegated Regulation EU 2021/2139 and Annex I (Substantial Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation) as well as Annex II (Substantial Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation) and are therefore not considered EU Taxonomy-eligible. This is reflected in the low EU Taxonomy-eligible share of our turnover. However, our investments in existing and new building infrastructure represent the EU Taxonomy-eligible Capex share. Our operating expenses (Opex) do not include any significant EU Taxonomy-eligible share.


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KPI EU Taxonomy-eligible shares 2021 EU Taxonomy-non-eligible shares 2021
Turnover 1% 99%
Capex 49% 51%
Opex 0% 100%

In order to determine the EU Taxonomy-eligible components, we compared the descriptions of economic activities from Annex I and Annex II with our products and services, investment expenditures and expenses. For this purpose, further information on the three KPIs has been discussed, collected and consolidated at the business segment level in a multi-stage process. The determination of the EU Taxonomy KPIs was based on our financial reporting system to ensure a complete and unambiguous reconciliation to the corresponding items in the annual financial statements and to avoid double counting.


Total turnover for the fiscal year 2021 forms the denominator of the turnover KPI and can be taken from the consolidated income statement (equals our sales figure). The EU Taxonomy-eligible turnover in 2021 (1%) relates to external sales generated by Fresenius Vamed in the project business (according to IFRS 15), which are incurred in connection with the construction and renovation of new hospital buildings (Annex I: economic activity 7.1 and 7.2). For the reporting year 2021, no further economic activities are applicable.


The amounts used to calculate the Capex KPI (denominator) are based on the capital expenditures reported in the consolidated financial statements resulting from additions in the fiscal year to property, plant and equipment (IAS 16) and other intangible assets (IAS 38) excluding goodwill. In addition, the EU Taxonomy KPI takes into account right-of-use assets (IFRS 16) and additions from business combinations. This information can be found in the Notes to the consolidated financial statements on pages 317, 319 and 349. For the identification of the EU taxonomy-eligible share (numerator), the above-mentioned line items were matched with the descriptions of economic activities from Annex I and Annex II. After analyzing the Capex definitions of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, we determined only the Capex associated with the purchase of products and services from a Taxonomy-eligible economic activity as applicable. This covers the main capital expenditure projects of the business segments. The EU Taxonomy-eligible Capex share 2021 (49%) relates to investments of all business segments in new construction and renovation of buildings, such as clinics or production facilities (Annex I: economic activities 7.1 and 7.2).


The amounts used to calculate the Opex KPI (denominator) are based on the direct costs of research and development reported in the consolidated financial statements (Notes page 310) and the costs of short-term leases (Notes page 349). In addition, the cost of maintenance and repair was analyzed for all business segments from the local ERP systems. For the identification of the EU Taxonomy-eligible share (numerator), the above-mentioned line items were matched with the descriptions of economic activities from Annex I and Annex II. After analyzing the Opex definitions of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, we determined only the Opex associated with the purchase of products and services from a taxonomy-eligible economic activity as applicable. We did not identify any significant Taxonomy-eligible components in our operating expenses that are directly attrib­utable to relevant economic activities within the meaning of the EU Taxonomy. The main expenditures for the maintenance of our building infrastructure are capitalized and are thus reflected in the EU Taxonomy-eligible Capex share.